Wednesday, October 8, 2014

i attached my home work in another message but here it is again.
Kimberlee Morales 
College Research M,W,F
Homework 1
1. I believe it is very important for all students to web literate. Since we all now life in the 21st century we all use the web for many different things. I believe schools should teach students to be more webs literate. Being web literate is important skills that will help you succeed in college and you career. 
2. It is important for teachers to have the proper skills to teach web literacy. The first skill is for all teachers to be web literate themselves. Many teachers did not grow up with the internet therefore some may not be web literate. Teachers should all know how to access all research sites. Teachers should all take at least one web class to teach other students.
3. It is a good idea for schools to block certain cites to an extent. Often when schools block web sites it restricts students from obtaining proper research. Schools should block things that are deemed not appropriate for school but not things that can help students. Schools often block videos from students viewing. Videos can help students understanding of the topic.
4. I believe that the internet is a evolved form of the printing press. The printing press was a machine to help share information to the public. The internet and the printing press serve the same purpose. Both inventions have changed our culture forever. 

5. I believed it affected many parts of culture. It affected religion because many religions can now use the internet to follow their religious beliefs. It affected our culture socially. Our culture can now interact with each other through social networking. The internet has changed our culture in many ways and it is now an essential part of our society.

1 comment:

  1. This is very good Kimberly. Next time elaborate on this: "The internet has changed our culture in many ways."
