Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Critical Thinking & Analysis

  1. Do you think cheating in school is wrong? Why or why not? I think cheating is wrong because the student that works hard and completes the work on their own will get the same grade as the person that copied or cheated. It also can  get you kicked out of college.
  2. What can schools do to prevent cheating? Schools can prevent cheating by making students more aware on punshimnets that can happen if they do cheat.
  3. Is it cheating when parents help their children with a homework assignment or other project? Why or why not? No as long as the parents are not doing the whole homework for them it is okay with helping them.
  4. Should companies that offer cheating services, such as those that sell term papers online, be banned? Explain your answer. yes it is a unfair way to make money and it is morally wrong 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Abused Women
  1. What rules do you think sports organizations should establish for its players regarding domestic violence? Explain. I think that sport groups should not have any rules that allow players to abuse women. Anyone who abuses a women should face the same punishments. 
  2. Do you think a player accused of domestic violence should be suspended from the team until this or her case is resolved through the court system? Why or why not? no i think that it is not fair for a sport player to be suspended before he is proven innocent. We live in a country where it is illegal to convict someone of a crime before he is proven guilty.
  3. Do you think the violent nature of some sports contributes to the violent behavior of some players outside the playing arena? Explain. I think that it is often sport players have like a more of a violent nature. 
  4. How can sports organizations provide more education services to its players to prevent domestic violence? Organizations should set down stricter laws for women abuse 
Child Labor
  1. Should there be international child labor laws that can be enforced in all countries?  Cases Against: Children should have the right to live there childhood. Children should not make working their whole life. Children should not have to give up school to work for their family 
  2. Is child labor justifiable when the income gained is used to sustain the family? Cases Against : i believe that childhood labor is never justified. children should never have to go to work to support there family.
  3. Are current U.S. labor laws too strict in regards to child labor? No children are allowed to work a little part time job during the day after school. Most children who work they have jobs to have extra pocket cash. Cases Against child labor laws in are too strict children should be able to make their choice to work and go to school.
  4. Why is child labor regarded as a social evil? Child labor is a social evil because people are aware of the children working conditions yet people still buy from these companies that abuse child hood labor. If people did not buy from these companys they would no longer exist . 

Monday, December 1, 2014

  1. Should states adopt stricter penalties for drivers who refuse to take a BAC test? Why or why not? Yes thousands of people die a year due to drunk driving. There should not be an option to refuse a BAC test because that same drunk driver can go on to kill a person. Drunk Driving does not only put the driver in danger in addition  all the drivers on the road are put in danger. 
  2. Should laws be enacted that require ignition-interlock devices for all convicted drunk drivers, including first-time offenders? Why or why not? Yes if these laws are put into affect it can potentially save a persons life someday. These should apply to first offenders as well because they can learn there lesson and not commit the same crime again. If a first offender does not face any punishments they will be more likely to commit the crime of drunk driving a second time. 
  3. Do you think DUI checkpoints should be used more often and in more places? Explain. Yes i think that DUI check points should be in effect in more places. Not only should they be put in more places but at more often times during the day. people are more likely to drunk drive over night. If DUI check points are placed at night in more places it will help solve the drunk driving issue. 
  4. Describe other measures you think could be implemented to reduce drunk driving. Others measures to help drunk driving can be to made all new drivers take a class on drunk driving to help them learn the things that can happen if you drive drunk. Another thing can be take away the driving license for 5 years so they will never be tempted to drink and drive again. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Drunk Driving
Cases For Drunk Driving :None
Cases for against drunk driving : There should be more strict laws against drunk driving. The legal limit should be o.o5 instead of .08
Chid labor:
Cases for child labor , child labor will continue to exist because people will continue to buy products that are mad by children under inhumane conditions.
Cases against child labor , children deserve to enjoy their childhood not work for pennies a day.
Abused women
Cases for abused women , women get abused because they allow it to happen some women will face up to 9 to ten times of being abused before leaving.
Cases against abused women, they do not deserve to be abused . there should be more help for women in abusive situations.
Cyber Bullying
Cases for cyber bullying people allow cyber bullying to happen they can always walk away from the problems or abuse.
Cases against cyber bullying it should be a law made to protect individuals from cyber bullying .
Cases for plagiarism its only bad if you get caught.
Cases against plagiarism this should be taught more about in high school this can some day get you in big trouble even kicked out of college.
Choose five topics that you think are potential research topics for your paper and briefly (in 2 to 5 sentences) explain why these topics are of interest to you.
1. Drunk Driving 
This topic interest me because many young teens around our ages are starting to drive. Drunk driving in one of the top leading causes of death for teen/ young adults under the age of 24.
2. Child Labor
This topic interest me because this is still a issue that effects children world wide. Many children in 3rd world countries are forced to work to provide for their famlies. This is unfair because children should enjoy their childhood and not be working full time.
3. Abused women 
This topic interest me because this is an issue that effects women all around the world. Often it can be very difficult for women to leave their abusers. Most women will go through 9 to 10 incidents of abuse before leaving their abuser. Women are also abused for various other reason. 
4. Cyber bullying 
This topic interests me because this is a very serious crime that is committed by teenagers and young adults. This is a crime that often will lead to other crimes. People who are victims of cyber bulling might even commit suicide.
5. Plagiarism
This topic interest me because because it is a crime that is taken very seriously as you get older in college. This crime will be taken very seriously and you may even be kicked out of college .

What Ticks you off

1. Waking up early for school.
It really ticks me off waking up early for school because I really enjoy my sleep. If it was up to me I would go to sleep late at night and wake up when ever i want. Sleep is my favorite part of the day

2. Waiting for people
It really ticks me off when i have to wait for people. I am a very inpatient person and I dislike waiting for people. My time is very valuable and i like people to be wait for me.

3 . Clean up after myself  and other people
It really ticks me off to clean. Cleaning is very boring and I really dislike cleaning up after other people. It makes me very angry to clean up after other people.

4. slow internet
It really ticks me off to have slow internet . Slow internet makes it very difficult to complete the things in school. Slow internet makes the tasks that need to get done in my life.

5. Phones that die quickly.
It really ticks me off when my phone is dying quickly. I go to school and work and i need a phone battery that will last all day long. It ticks me off when my phone is dying and i need it for the rest of the day.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

  1. What did wiki software allow Web users to do that the Mosaic browser did not? 
  2. What do blogs and wikis have in common?
  3. What problem did a young Jimmy Wales find with the World Book Encyclopedia?
  4. How was Jimmy Wales inspired by the World Book Encyclopedia to create Wikipedia?
  5. How have encyclopedias inspired you in your own life?
  6. Why did Nupedia fail?
  7. How did wiki software change the ideas behind Nupedia?
  8. What is “crowdsourcing?”
  9. What do you think about the concept of “any fool in the world” being able to write articles for Wikipedia?
  10. Do agree with the idea that “total idiots” could edit Wikipedia and of that being a good thing? Explain.
  11. Why do you think Wikipedia grew so fast and became so popular in such a short amount of time?
  12. Do you believe Sanger’s elitist attitude was a good thing or a bad thing for Wikipedia?
  13. What did you learn from the anecdote about the Wikipedia article on Einstein going to Albania for a passport in 1935?
  14. Explain this quote from the article: “I can’t imagine who could have written such detailed guidelines other than a bunch of people working together...It’s common in Wikipedia that we’ll come to a solution that’s really well thought out because so many minds have had a crack at improving it.”
  15. The author of the article states that Wikipedia “grew organically.” What does he mean by that?
  16. How has Wikipedia “been the greatest collaborative knowledge project in history?” 
  17. Based on your own opinion and experience with Wikipedia, do you agree with the above statement or disagree with it? Explain.
  18. What does the author mean by “wiki-crack?”
  19. Based on the article, do you believe Wikipedia is a reliable source of information?
  20. Do you believe its possible for a 16-year-old from New Jersey to write “insightful” Wikipedia articles?
  21. How do you feel about basing your own research on something a 16-year-old wrote on Wikipedia?
  22. What does Jimmy Wales mean by this mission statement: “Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge?”
  23. Do you agree or disagree with this mission statement?
  24. Do you think Wikipedia has succeeded in its mission?
  25. Do you agree or disagree that ordinary people, people without degrees, can “be part of the process of creating and distributing knowledge?” 
  26. Based on your reading of the article, would you yourself use Wikipedia for your academic research?
  27. Would you yourself like to write and/or edit Wikipedia articles in order to be “a part of the process of creating and distributing knowledge?” Why or why not?

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Home work #2
1. Why does the author, Nicholas Carr, feel like his mind is changing as a result of the Internet?

His mind is now focused and dependent on the internet. He now relies on the internet as a everyday part of his life . He is an author and eh now uses the internet on an every day basis. The internet is a very important part of his career . He uses the internet for research every time he writes a new book.

2. How does research today compare with doing library research in the old days, twenty and more years ago? (I know you weren't around 20 years ago, but answer this based on what knowledge you have gathered about libraries in your lifetime).

Research is so much faster and more effective. The internet has a much more wider variety of information. People do not have to spend hours of their time reading books. The internet can provide books, videos and other information in seconds . This is much faster than spending time reading books.

3. How have Nicholas Carr's reading habits changed because of the Internet?

- the internet has been a very useful tool to him as a writer. He can now research things so much quicker. Before the internet he used to spend hours in the library searching now he can use the internet and Google. He can find research in minutes instead of hours in the library.
4. How is reading online different than reading a long article or book? Explain.

Reading online is so much faster, you can find an article in seconds on Google. In a book you must spend hours flipping through pages now you can get information in seconds. On the downside you can easily get distracted by hyperlinks or surfing the web. This can be fun but ineffective.

5. Do you agree or disagree that our minds think like computers? Explain.

Yes I agree, most minds will act like computers as an affect of our constant changing society. we now live in a world that is mostly dependent on computers and technology. we act like computers because we have now adapted to our generation. We now function in the same way a computer will function. humans are always looking for a new update to move forward like an computer.

6. Do you agree or disagree that the computer "is subsuming most of our other intellectual technology?

Yes i agree i believe that most of our actions are influenced by the computer. Humans will act a certain way to go along with a trend or fad within society. The internet can affect how a person will act in the intellectual aspect of there life . Some will act this way with out even taking the time out to realize that they are doing.

7. Why do you think The New York Times changed its format? Do you think it was a good idea or a bad idea? Why?

I think that New York Times changed there format so they can be more in the now . With new computer technology the company can change there format to fit into the new time era. I think this was a good idea for the company to do this. This was a good idea because it will show that the New York Times is always thinking of ways to advance and move forward.

8. What does Nicholas Carr mean by "knowledge work?"

Nicholas Carr means that we are what we read. Most young people do not want to read. Most young people will look over reading with out actually finishing the reading from start to end. This shows how most people are losing interest in reading,

9. Do you agree or disagree that Google has been successful in its mission "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful?"

Yes i do agree Google is a very useful search engine for everyday use. You can find information on almost anything that you want or need information on. Google is a new way to do research . Google will give you fast and easy results for information you need.

10. How does Google's mission compare with a library's mission in light of the fact that there is no fiction or nonfiction section on the Internet, but there is a fiction and a nonfiction section in a library, and that all the books are organized on the shelves in a library, but "scattered on the floor" of the Internet?\

Yes i agree that Google is a very useful tool on the internet but the library is also important. The library can give you books and information that cannot find on the internet. You will not have the same experience of reading a book in the library as reading a summary on Google. Google can share a lot of information but the library can give you great information in an organized manor.

11. Do you think it would be a good thing if your own brain and intelligence were "supplemented, or even replaced, by an artificial intelligence?" Why or why not?

No i think that this is not a good idea. i think that people should be in charge of their own brain and intelligence. I think that people all have the power to think for themselves and that should not be replaced. Your brain should be used the way to is supposed to be used and that is by controlling it by your self

12. Do you think that the human brain is "just an outdated computer that needs a faster processor and a bigger hard drive?" Why or why not?

No i think the human brain is not an out dated computer. i think the human brain is a very important tool that helps you decided what to do with everything in your life. Although your mind cannot hold as much information as Google it is still a good tool. Without your brain you would be a robot without a personality or individuality .

13. What do you think about your own surfing habits, the links you click on and the pages you view, being an opportunity for "Google and other companies to collect information about you and to feed you advertisements?"

I Think it is a easy way to get money. I think it is a smart and easy way to get a product or service noticed. Companies or individuals can make high profits from Google and links. i would be interested in making money like that.

14. How do your surfing habits compare to reading a book? Do you agree or disagree that companies online, collecting data about us by what we click on and view, are using subversive tactics to discourage "leisurely reading," and "slow, concentrated thought?" Are you yourself driven to distraction while on the Web? How or how not?

My reading habits are a lot more focused that surfing the web . I feel that when i read a book i am more focused on one thing. While i am surfing the web i think that i have more distractions than i would reading. i am concentrated thought because when i need to get something done i will achieve it.

15. Do you agree with Socrates that the development of writing led to people using the written word as a substitute for the knowledge they carried around in their heads? Why or why not?

Yes i believe that if you can write you hold a great amount of power. When you can write you will hold more of a chance to be notice. Writing has been an important part of our history. The united states used writing to declare their independence from England by writing the declaration of independence. writing shares a part that connects people throughout the world .

16. Do you think the Internet is doing the same thing? Why or why not? How or how not?

Yes i think that now we have the internet we have a much wider range of knowledge within our world. Now that we have the internet we can find out many things that we did not know before. Now the internet is always advancing we can change the world. we can use internet to expand our knowledge in many different ways starting with our young generation.

17. How do your own reading habits compare to what Nicholas Carr describes in this article?

I get very tired and anxious while reading. While i was reading this article i got very tired and stopped reading a few times. This article was not vey interesting so i now see i need to read stuff that is more of an interest to me. I see that he is correct about people not want to real full articles or long books any more.

18. So, do you think Google really is making us stupid? Why or why not? How or how not?
I disagree with this statement that Google is now making us stupid. I think that now some people have gotten lazy with things within the past years. I think that Google makes us smarter Because we can find out information that we did not know before. we can use google to study and find out new things to further make us smart.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

i attached my home work in another message but here it is again.
Kimberlee Morales 
College Research M,W,F
Homework 1
1. I believe it is very important for all students to web literate. Since we all now life in the 21st century we all use the web for many different things. I believe schools should teach students to be more webs literate. Being web literate is important skills that will help you succeed in college and you career. 
2. It is important for teachers to have the proper skills to teach web literacy. The first skill is for all teachers to be web literate themselves. Many teachers did not grow up with the internet therefore some may not be web literate. Teachers should all know how to access all research sites. Teachers should all take at least one web class to teach other students.
3. It is a good idea for schools to block certain cites to an extent. Often when schools block web sites it restricts students from obtaining proper research. Schools should block things that are deemed not appropriate for school but not things that can help students. Schools often block videos from students viewing. Videos can help students understanding of the topic.
4. I believe that the internet is a evolved form of the printing press. The printing press was a machine to help share information to the public. The internet and the printing press serve the same purpose. Both inventions have changed our culture forever. 

5. I believed it affected many parts of culture. It affected religion because many religions can now use the internet to follow their religious beliefs. It affected our culture socially. Our culture can now interact with each other through social networking. The internet has changed our culture in many ways and it is now an essential part of our society.

Friday, September 19, 2014

The subject i like reading about the most is
I like reading about mystery books the  most because i find them the best books. Mystery books make me not want to put down the book and keep reading. James Patterson is a very good mystery book writter.

My favorite hobby is ...
my favorite hobby is reading. I find it very peaceful and relaxing. I also enjoy reading because it improves my vocab skills and it keeps youre brain working.

If i won the lottery i would buy ...
If i won the lottery i would buy a new house for my self and my family. I would also buy a house in Puerto Rico for a summer home. I would also put some money aside to invest in the stock market to try to make more money. i would also go on a big shopping spree and put extra money for saving and my children.

The type of volunteer work that i prefer is
I would prefer is to help animals, because animals cannot talk then cannot defend themselfs. I always will have a place in my heart for animals. I am a strong supporter to end animal abuse. I think that everyone should help to end animal abuse.I would prefer to help volunteer in a animal shelter.

If i ran the would i would ...
I would help change all types of human rights violations. I would make sure that the world is a peaceful place with no abuse. I think it is important to help people live in peace.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My favorite school subject has always been...
My favorite school subject has always been science, i like science because it is the most interesting. Unlike math, English, and social studies , science is always changing. Science has come a long way since the world began. it helped lead to advancement in the medical field and is still improving. Science never stays the same and it gives me a motivation to continue to learn more things in the scientific world