Critical Thinking & Analysis
- Do you think cheating in school is wrong? Why or why not? I think cheating is wrong because the student that works hard and completes the work on their own will get the same grade as the person that copied or cheated. It also can get you kicked out of college.
- What can schools do to prevent cheating? Schools can prevent cheating by making students more aware on punshimnets that can happen if they do cheat.
- Is it cheating when parents help their children with a homework assignment or other project? Why or why not? No as long as the parents are not doing the whole homework for them it is okay with helping them.
- Should companies that offer cheating services, such as those that sell term papers online, be banned? Explain your answer. yes it is a unfair way to make money and it is morally wrong
Abused Women
- What rules do you think sports organizations should establish for its players regarding domestic violence? Explain. I think that sport groups should not have any rules that allow players to abuse women. Anyone who abuses a women should face the same punishments.
- Do you think a player accused of domestic violence should be suspended from the team until this or her case is resolved through the court system? Why or why not? no i think that it is not fair for a sport player to be suspended before he is proven innocent. We live in a country where it is illegal to convict someone of a crime before he is proven guilty.
- Do you think the violent nature of some sports contributes to the violent behavior of some players outside the playing arena? Explain. I think that it is often sport players have like a more of a violent nature.
- How can sports organizations provide more education services to its players to prevent domestic violence? Organizations should set down stricter laws for women abuse
Child Labor
- Should there be international child labor laws that can be enforced in all countries? Cases Against: Children should have the right to live there childhood. Children should not make working their whole life. Children should not have to give up school to work for their family
- Is child labor justifiable when the income gained is used to sustain the family? Cases Against : i believe that childhood labor is never justified. children should never have to go to work to support there family.
- Are current U.S. labor laws too strict in regards to child labor? No children are allowed to work a little part time job during the day after school. Most children who work they have jobs to have extra pocket cash. Cases Against child labor laws in are too strict children should be able to make their choice to work and go to school.
- Why is child labor regarded as a social evil? Child labor is a social evil because people are aware of the children working conditions yet people still buy from these companies that abuse child hood labor. If people did not buy from these companys they would no longer exist .
- Should states adopt stricter penalties for drivers who refuse to take a BAC test? Why or why not? Yes thousands of people die a year due to drunk driving. There should not be an option to refuse a BAC test because that same drunk driver can go on to kill a person. Drunk Driving does not only put the driver in danger in addition all the drivers on the road are put in danger.
- Should laws be enacted that require ignition-interlock devices for all convicted drunk drivers, including first-time offenders? Why or why not? Yes if these laws are put into affect it can potentially save a persons life someday. These should apply to first offenders as well because they can learn there lesson and not commit the same crime again. If a first offender does not face any punishments they will be more likely to commit the crime of drunk driving a second time.
- Do you think DUI checkpoints should be used more often and in more places? Explain. Yes i think that DUI check points should be in effect in more places. Not only should they be put in more places but at more often times during the day. people are more likely to drunk drive over night. If DUI check points are placed at night in more places it will help solve the drunk driving issue.
- Describe other measures you think could be implemented to reduce drunk driving. Others measures to help drunk driving can be to made all new drivers take a class on drunk driving to help them learn the things that can happen if you drive drunk. Another thing can be take away the driving license for 5 years so they will never be tempted to drink and drive again.